Friday, May 14, 2010

Lawsuit to Challenge Salazar's Wholesale Disregard of Marine Mammal Protection Laws in Gulf of Mexico

Two days before Earth Day, on April 20, criminal negligence on the part of BP and Haliburton brought about what will probably become the worst environmental catastrophe in U.S. history. That is saying alot, in light of the Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska.
This story belongs as a banner headline on every newspaper in the U.S., every single day. Instead, in Seattle at least, we are being treated to the same ol' same ol.' Mariners won! Everett man executed! Mom has triplets! This story is being buried, and yet it will ultimately, undoubtedly drive some species to extinction. It will mean the end of a livelihoood for thousands of fisherfolk and shrimpers, and people who rely on tourism throughout Mississippi, Louisianna, Florida. We don't really know the scope of this disaster — and that is one of the most disturbing aspects, though not surprising, to this disaster.
We've been lied to by the oil giants -- absolutely no surprise there -- and also the U.S. government. Below is a link to a lawsuit that is being filed to challenge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. This is by the Center for Biological Diversity. This man is a disaster for the environment and wildlife. He has got to go. Maybe if anything good comes out of this, it is that a capitalist government full of crooked politicians (Democrat and Republican) is incapable of being any kind of watchdog of the corporations who fill the political campaign coffers. U.S. democracy is broken. The BP Oil spill is one more illustration. Nationalize Oil. Put workers in the industry in control. They knew this could happen but their concerns were brushed under the rug.

See the lawsuit link below. Lawsuit to Challenge Salazar's Wholesale Disregard of Marine Mammal Protection Laws in Gulf of Mexico

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